Functions of Limbic System (3 Marks)

 Limbic system is formed by Hippocampus, Septal nucleus, Cingulate gyrus, Anterior thalamic nucles and Amgdala

Connections of limbic system


Mallilary body

Anterior nucleus of thalamus

Cingulate cortex

Connection back to hippocampus

Limbic System

Functions of Limbic System

  1. Controls emotions of rage, fear and motivation
  2. Regulates the sexual behavior in association with hypothalamus
  3. Plays a role in the process of olfaction
  4. Connected with autonomic responses
  5. Plays an important role in memory

Applied Aspects

Kluver-Bucy syndrome

Damage to limbic system cause Kluver-Bucy syndrome

The features are

  • Complete absence of fear for anything
  • High degree of curiosity about everything
  • Tendency to place all objects in mouth
  • Strong sex drive toward inappropriate animals
  • Tendency to forget rapidly

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